Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Promises Kept

Sometimes you gotta reach rock bottom to understand that Christ needs to be the Rock you build your life upon. Yup. I've been there.

 As most young adults, I long for security. In my future, friendships, careers, and in this weird- awkward transition into adulthood, it is so easy to buy into the security that the world offers if we are not rooted deeply in the word of the Lord. When the lies of the world crumble around us it can be a terrifying experience especially if we have built our lives upon them. Swallowed up and spit out by the world drying up all of our hopes and dreams. 
This is why it is so incredibly important that as young men and women we build our lives on the promises of God; first and foremost being the Bible. Leaving our past behind but not forgetting what we learned and building our lives on TRUTH. Sometimes I get so consumed in the planning of my life I’ll wake up in the morning praising Jesus, but by noon I am wrapped up in my own agenda.
When I was a naïve young, freshman in college, I thought I had my future completely set, (not saying that I have everything perfect now ha, thats a joke)  But then, I met a man who loved me more than anything, was accepted into the program of my choice in university everything seemed to be going swimmingly. So I prayed a prayer I have written to this day saying, God I want to serve you the best way possible, if that means taking everything do it, I don’t care I just want you!!
            Okay, heed to those who pray for that, God will take it. And he took it and more, friendships, my career of choice, the man who I thought loved me. Yup, God answered and I was not too happy about it. I was going to take on the world alone. I had nothing, but I still had faith that God had a plan, so I began to think. God, you promise me yourself and you are good, therefore you promise me good! I don’t see ANY good in my life but you promise it in the Bible so I am going to find it and take you up on it! Thus, began my journey into the Holy World of God in pursuit of the promises he mercifully makes to broken people. I delved head first into the word like my life depended upon it, honestly I needed it to function still do. I wouldn’t wish that situation on anybody but I wouldn’t trade it for anything.. These are a few of the promises I leaned on during that crucial time in my life. I saw it as pain in my life but I look back now and know that I was just growing in Jesus. They were Growing Pains.

These promises have me so hope and encouragement I hope they do the same for you!! :) 
Proverbs 19:21
Proverbs 3:5-7
Joshua 23: 14

 Genesis 14:7
Joshua 10:42
2 Chronicles 13:18

Hebrews 10:18-35

Hope/ Joy

James 1:2-4
Romans 5:1-11

Psalm 40:2
Eph 1:13
Psalm 46:1
Isaiah 52:13
Hebrews 13:8

I hear the Savior say 
Thy strenght indeed is small
 child of weakness watch and pray 
Find in me Thine ALL in ALL 

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